Important Numbers To Have

Having important phone numbers readily available is crucial for  homeowners to handle various situations and emergencies. Here's a list of essential phone numbers  every homeowner should have at hand: 

  • Emergency Services: some text

    • 911: For immediate assistance in life-threatening situations, such as fires, medical  emergencies, accidents, or crimes in progress. 

  • Local Police Department: some text

    • Non-emergency police line: For reporting non-urgent incidents, suspicious activities, or  requesting assistance from the police.

  • Fire Department: some text

    • Non-emergency fire department line: To report non-urgent fire-related issues or inquire  about fire safety. 

  • Poison Control Center: some text

    • National Poison Control Hotline (1-800-222-1222): For guidance on handling poison related emergencies, accidental ingestions, or exposure to hazardous substances. 

  • Local Hospital and Medical Facilities: some text

    • Contact information for the nearest hospital, urgent care center, and family doctor or  pediatrician. 

  • Emergency Contacts: some text

    • Family members, friends, or neighbors who can assist during emergencies or provide  support when needed.

  • Local Utility Providers: some text

    • Gas company: To report gas leaks or issues. 

    • Water department: For water-related emergencies or service disruptions. 

    • Electric company: To report power outages or electrical problems. 

  • Plumber: some text

    • Contact information for a licensed plumber for plumbing emergencies or repairs.

  • Electrician: some text

    • Contact information for a qualified electrician for electrical issues or repairs.

  • HVAC Technician: some text

    • Contact information for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) professionals  for HVAC system maintenance or repairs. 

  • Home Insurance Company: some text

    • Your home insurance provider's contact number for reporting claims and inquiries  related to home insurance coverage. 

  • Mortgage Lender or Servicer: some text

    • Contact information for your mortgage lender or servicer for mortgage-related  questions or concerns. 

  • Local Pest Control Services: some text

    • Contact information for pest control services to address pest infestations or maintenance. 

  • Garage Door Repair Services: some text

    • Contact information for garage door repair services in case of garage door malfunctions.

  • Locksmith: some text

    • Contact information for a reputable locksmith for lockouts or security-related issues.

  • Roofing Contractor: some text

    • Contact information for a roofing contractor for roof repairs or maintenance.

  • Homeowners' Association (HOA): some text

    • Contact information for the HOA management company or board for community related concerns. 

  • Emergency Evacuation Routes: some text

    • Local government or transportation department information for evacuation routes in  case of natural disasters or emergencies. 

  • Animal Control: some text

    • Contact information for animal control services to handle stray or aggressive animals.

  • Emergency Services for Elderly or Vulnerable Family Members: some text

    • If you have elderly or vulnerable family members living with you, consider having  contact information for their healthcare providers, caregivers, or emergency assistance  programs. 

Keep these numbers in a convenient and accessible location, such as on your refrigerator or in a  household binder, so that you can quickly access them in times of need. Regularly review and update  the list as necessary to ensure accuracy.


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