The internal angle formed by the junction of two sloping sides of a roof.
Valley Rafter
The diagonal rafter at the intersection of two intersecting sloping roofs.
Vapor Barrier
A waterproof membrane or plastic sheet used in insulation. The sheathing faces the heated area to control dampness.
Vaulted Ceiling
A ceiling that angles upward on one or both sides to create volume in the room.
Extremely thin sheets of wood produced by slicing or rotary-cutting a log.
Veneered Construction
Type of wall construction in which frame or masonry walls are faced with other exterior surfacing materials.
Vent Stack
A vertical soil pipe connected to the drainage system to allow ventilation and pressure equalization.
Creates a positive flow of air that allows the house to "breathe" and helps prevent moisture build-up year-round.
An open porch alongside a building. Usually covered by a roof for protection from the sun or rain.
A unit of electrical force. Volts = Current (amps) x Resistance (OHMs).